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Screen Shot 2014-01-26 at 5.27.29 PMThis is one proposal that breaks all the laws of love, but ends up with a happy ending.

Matt Van Vliet met Samantha Labo four years ago when the couple was arrested at an underage drinking party. After passing a Breathalyzer test and a testimony from their parents, they were let go by the New Hampshire police. The two carried on a conversation while in jail, and the romance blossomed.

Four years later, Van Vliet enlisted New London, N.H., Police Chief Edward G. Andersen, the two cops who pulled them over, and pulled over this elaborate arrest proposal. He was handcuffed and everything, and when the officer conducted a pat-down, well, tadah, there was a ring box in Van Vliet’s pocket. He then went on to propose to Labo, and the dashcam on the police car got the whole thing.

It certainly is creative, and as long as it doesn’t break any laws, you’re good to go!

Check out this proposal from Patrick, who proposed to his girlfriend, Marie, at McDonald’s! LOL Apparently, it was a surprise birthday party for Marie, with family and friends all around, but, oh, she thought the surprise party was the kicker, gosh! Hahaha! In comes Grimace for picture-taking opportunities, then the host distracts her as Patrick comes out from inside the mascot! LOVE IT!

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Honestly, I’m not a big fan of underwater proposals, being averse to swimming myself, and this interesting wedding proposal item underscores my fear: a British woman nearly died when her boyfriend proposed to her during a scuba diving trip in Turkey.

Stephanie Walker gasped in shock when boyfriend Anthony Taylor held out a laminated card that read, “Will You Marry Me,” while the couple was 12 meters underwater at the Marmaris Resort in Turkey.

The gasp filled Walker’s mask with water and caused her to choke. Luckily, diving instructors nearby helped her clear her mask out in time to see Taylor hold out a diamond ring. The couple returned safely to the surface, but not before underwater cameras caught Walker holding up another laminated card that read, “Yes.” (And yes, for the curious, there was no “No” card.)

I know there are Filipino couples that have also gotten engaged underwater. Is this something you’d like to do?

In 2006, we wrote our first book, Perfect Proposals: Popping the Question the Pinoy Way, designing it to be an e-book chockful of wedding proposal ideas, wedding proposal scheduling, wedding proposal advice, and wedding proposal tips. We published it in e-book format, but didn’t push through with our print plans — until now.

Perfect Proposals: Popping the Question the Pinoy Way is a Filipino wedding proposal book that contains practical and valuable advice on developing a wedding proposal that is tailor-made for your romantic partner. Get great information on:

* Making sure you are ready for marriage
* Asking your future in-laws for their daughter’s hand in marriage
* Developing your own creative, unique wedding proposal, including setting the budget and finding the right ring
* Organizing the proposal itself, with dozens of helpful hints on location, assistance, and finding the right suppliers

Full of thought-provoking questions and written in an easy-to-read, witty style, Perfect Proposals: Popping the Question the Pinoy Way is the perfect resource material for any Filipino man seeking to make the perfect wedding proposal.

We’re therefore issuing a call for Filipino proposal stories for inclusion in the book! (We issued an initial call, and all the stories shortlisted from the initial call will be included in the book.) However, we are issuing the call again to allow other couples to participate in the book. Your unique, romantic proposals deserve space in this book! Share the love! We’re inviting all engaged and married men and women to submit their unique proposal stories for inclusion in Perfect Proposals.

It’s your story, so how you choose to tell it is up to you! Please try to keep it as detailed as possible, though: include dates and places, food choices, and whatever additional information you feel appropriate.

Submissions may be emailed to Each text-only (no Word documents, please) submission should be 500 words or less, subject to editing. Accompany the submission with your name, email address, landline contact number (daytime and nighttime), and mobile number.

The senders of selected proposals will be informed via email of their proposal’s inclusion in the book. A picture of the couple may be required for publishing as well. Senders of selected proposals will be invited to the book launch, where each sender gets a free copy of the book.

Our target launch date for the book is May 2014, just in time for the June wedding fairs!

Please feel free to pass this information around to people who you know have had fantastic proposals. Share the love!

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The former fattest man in the world is getting married — and it was his girlfriend who proposed!

Former postman Paul Mason, 53, was proposed to on American television show The View by 40-year-old partner Rebecca Mountain. The couple met online last August, and fell in love despite the long-distance relationship.

Mr. Mason, who weighed in at almost 900 pounds at his heaviest but now tips the scales at a significantly lighter 380 pounds, has vowed to lose enough weight to walk down the aisle. The View donated more than US$16,000 towards the cost of Mason’s initial operation, a gastric band surgery in 2010, that helped the former postman drop more than 500 pounds.

Congratulations to the happy couple! You know what they say: true love weights!

Check out this banner proposal!

Over 35,000 have watched Tongan/Samoan Michael Koloi proposed to his girlfriend, Nora Aati, at the Mangere Bridge in South Auckland, New Zealand. The proposal involved a huge banner hanging from the bridge, which Aati saw through binoculars. Does Aati accept his proposal in front of family and friends? Well, you’ll just have to click through and see for yourselves!


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