You are currently browsing the monthly archive for February 2007.

We apologize for the more than year-long delay in the publication of Perfect Proposals: Popping the Question the Pinoy Way. The wedding proposal industry in the Philippines continues to evolve and grow, and we, as innovators in this industry, need to keep on our toes and make sure the fruits of our labor will meet the exacting standards of men out there interested in giving their women the best wedding proposal they can have.

We’ve spent the past few months adding on to the book, adding more wedding proposal ideas (more than 100 now!), as well as streamlining the questions in the ‘Are You Ready’ chapters to make sure you know what you’re getting into.

Our target date for launch in sometime 2007. At least two publishing houses have been kind enough to wait for the revised product before placing their bids for this book, so we’re very optimistic we can get Perfect Proposals: Popping the Question the Pinoy Way out in bookstores and elsewhere before the end of the year.

Take a tip from this Colorado soldier who dressed up as a knight in shining armor, complete with horse and tights. 🙂

Perfect Proposals Online is in the running for a Philippine Blog Award in the Home and Living category. Cathy and I are honored and touched. 😀 Thank you, whoever you are out there who nominated us, thank you.

The Home and Living category, based on the websites we’ve seen there, deal with health, family, food, and lifestyle, we think. I’m not sure if it’d be more appropriate to pop us in with the Business/Entrepreneurs or the Fashion/Lifestyle, but at this point in time, we’re just plain tickled. Thank you!

Anyway, do visit the official website of the Philippine Blog Awards, and check out some really great blogs today.

This creative gentleman in Roanoke, Virginia, won a contest from a newspaper and got to splash his proposal all over the front page of the Roanoke Times. His girlfriend said yes, but the first persons to hear her were the clerks at a local DeliMart where she bought a newspaper (after getting a call from a co-worker who tipped her off).

Placing a wedding proposal in a newspaper is fun, relatively creative, and a very good attention-getter. Just make sure your girlfriend actually reads the paper. 😉

The Good News: A Chinese fellow named Zang proposed successfully to his girlfriend on a hot-air balloon.

The not-so-good news: Zang didn’t quite work his proposal through. After joining a balloon club and planning for months, the Guangdong native arranged for a hot-air balloon to fly them up over a golf course, but apparently, he didn’t prepare contigency for the crowd that would inevitably gather. Golf course guards wouldn’t let him and his girlfriend take off.

“It will ruin my whole life if you stop the balloon from taking off,” he allegedly told the guards. (How sweet.)

When Zang finally got his wish and his engagement ring onto his special lady’s finger, his special proposal made it into the Nanfang Metropolis.

To ensure your wedding proposal goes without a hitch, it makes sense to get professionals to help you with it. Give us a call and allow us to make your once-in-a-lifetime question a perfect proposal. 🙂

Here’s a very good article from CareerJournal, reprinted from the Wall Street Journal Online, explaining why – as we have to our clients – public wedding proposals aren’t always better


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